Monday, 20 November 2017

6 Tips for Effective Radio Advertising for The Auto Industry

Radio is the medium for spreading a message and influencing people. Radio is an old contender among the other mediums of communication, but its use and importance has remained constant. With the advent of television and internet, people assumed that video will take over the radio star. But the data shows a different picture. Radio is still the best medium for spreading information and even the best.

Radio is an old contender among the other mediums of mass communication. For many years radio has proved to be the best medium for spreading information and influencing people. With the advent of other mediums like television and internet, many believed that the importance of radio will eventually fade away. But, data shows a different picture.  A recent Nielsen study shows that 93% of the American adults with media access listen to radio every day. It seems like video has yet not been able to beat the radio star!

Radio can be very helpful in undertaking successful advertising campaigns. But how to create a successful radio advertising campaign? How to convey the right message? How to make it attractive for listeners? And most importantly, how to them get them to act?

Below are some radio advertising tips to help you conduct a successful automotive radio advertising.

1. Know your audience
An advertisement becomes effective when the receivers are able to relate with it. Hence, it is essential that you know your audience and choose a radio station carefully. Each radio station attracts a different set of people who vary in age, demographics, tastes or preferences and hence, your automotive ads should be unique to each radio station.

2. Make Sure That Uour ads Match Your Bbranding
It's important that the theme of your ads match with your branding message. overall feel of your brand? Is it traditional, modern or serious? Such consistency fosters trust between you and your audience. Hence, automotive radio advertising can help you increase sales and also create an active brand identity for your company.

3. Create a strong Call to Action
No matter how creative your ads are, but if they lack a consistent call-to-action, your ads will be lost in the void. Call-to-action reinforces your automotive ads' message. A strong call-to-action includes
  • A consistent message
  • A focused goal
  • Repetition.

4. Integrate Radio Advertising with Other Marketing Methods
You can multiply the success of radio advertising by integrating and using it with other mediums such as television and social media. 93% of online shoppers are dependent on social media so if you depend solely on the radio, you may miss out on this large pool of customers.

5. Timing is Key
All the money and effort spent behind radio advertising will be of no use if the placements of your ads are wrongly timed. Peak traffic hours, rush hours or midnight ads for the nocturnal, depending on the nature of your products and message, the ads should be strategically timed.

6. Use a Popular Figure
Using a popular figure to deliver your brand message can have a powerful impact on your sales and increase brand awareness. A familiar, well liked person whose personality blends well with your brand and whom your audience trust, can drive up sales.

Radio advertising, if used properly and creatively can drive traffic and sales right to your dealership. However, it is a broad concept with manifold elements. You may want to seek guidance from a professional automotive advertising service provider to ensure that you put your effort and money in the most effective techniques.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

The Impact of Technology on the Automobile Industry

Over the years, we have witnessed many enormous transformations in the automobile industry. The automobile giants and their engineers are working tirelessly to embrace new technologies and introduce innovations in the modern-day vehicle. Cars evolve with technology. Thanks to automotive marketing, car buyers and enthusiasts are able to keep pace with this evolving automobile technology.

In the recent years, the concept of "in-vehicle services" has gained prominence with many consumers looking forward to enjoying the benefits of infotainment systems and advanced driver assistance systems.

  • Connected In-Car Infotainment
Automotive infotainment is one of the fastest growing technologies in the automobile industry and owing to the smartphone technology boom in today’s world, this growth trend is expected to rise in the future.

Apple CarPlay or Android Auto Play is taking most of the limelight in auto advertisements in Dallas these days with many consumers considering these to be a “must-have feature” in their cars. The trend of integrating the car’s embedded system with the driver’s mobile device is currently shaping the car market. This feature allows users to tether their smartphones to a vehicle’s in-dash display and thereby get hands-free access to its driving related services.

Calling, texting, navigation etc. - all these areas are addressed by CarPlay and AutoPlay. These features not only display large app icons in the central display, but they also allow users to navigate apps through built-in car controls. It is basically entertainment with safety as a priority. For example, when a driver connects his iPhone to his car, he can conveniently change music or call some without taking his eyes off the road by using the buttons on the steering wheel.

The greatest aspects of Apple CarPlay are Apple Maps and Siri. Siri's ability to read, reply and send messages is impressive. Similarly, if a driver asks "Siri, where is the nearest McDonald’s?" the system will respond with a route and time estimate almost instantly.
  • ADAS Technology
This is yet another remarkable technology which is being talked about in many auto advertisements in Dallas. ADAS uses modern detection and alert systems to enhance on-road safety. This technology senses road conditions with the help of radar and sensors; it informs the driver of hazardous road conditions and in some cases, even stops the vehicle. It also monitors in-vehicle health like tire pressure.

Road accidents have become quite frequent in many major cities. In such a scenario, auto advertising agencies should focus on promoting the importance of road safety and car health.

ADAS technology is great for detecting objects in the vehicle’s blind spot, lane change assistance, forward collision warnings and more.  Highly advanced systems can also predict actions of other drivers. For example, it can predict when a car is about to back out from a parking space. ADAS technology is in vogue and the demand and advancement are expected to rise steeply in the coming future.

Technology largely affects the way cars are designed, manufactured, operated and maintained. Consumer preference of a car’s design, performance, and safety also greatly depends on recent technological trends.  Whether it’s changing the music while driving, sending a text message, finding the nearest gas station or parallel parking with sensor-based assistance, technology has changed the way people drive a car. In the near future, consumers can expect upcoming vehicles to integrate more technological solutions. Hence, auto advertising agencies should consider building their automotive marketing strategies around these areas.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

4 Reasons Why Automotive Print Advertising Still Works

We are living in a technologically-obsessed era where people are always glued to the online world via some sort of digital device. And that is why the advertising industry believes in embracing the latest technologies in digital landscape to promote products and services. But does that mean the old, tried and tested traditional marketing methods like print ads are dead and buried? No, not at all. Printed marketing pieces are still very much alive and they still possess a significant impact in boosting your business image and branding efforts.

Nowadays, automotive businesses are ignoring the print advertising method all together and diverting their complete attention towards online marketing techniques. However, disregarding the importance of automotive print ads in Dallas or any other locality without evaluating its impact on your target market would be a big mistake. In this blog post, we will check out the top four reasons why print ads are still effective and why you can think about allocating budget for printed media in your business’ next marketing campaign.

1) Targeted marketing: Print publications have large audiences who are interested in that specific topic. For example, auto magazines are subscribed to by the people who are really interested in staying up-to-date about the latest trends and news in automotive industry. High-quality reliable content in magazines and targeted newspapers can reach out to the people who are already interested in learning more about your business services and products. Brands who place advertisements in such highly credible print publications receive the same positive feelings from readers and further helps in generating leads and sales. With print advertising, you can target your marketing efforts to a specific consumer base who share interests and knowledge in your business services.

2) Affordable: You don’t have to break your bank to create and publish automotive print ads in Dallas. It would be easy to make your advertising budget efficient and effective by choosing the right medium to advertise your business. For instance, if you are planning to advertise about the launch of a new car model at your dealership, then you have to choose a targeted auto section of newspaper for ads or an auto magazine to reach out the niche audience. Since the demand of print advertising has been declining, you can negotiate with the publications for low prices.

3) Customer engagement: When people browse through websites, they spend only seconds scanning it, especially if they are looking for any specific information. But when you read a magazine or newspaper, you turn your complete focus on its contents. Unlike browsing a website, printed ads or marketing materials command longer attention spans and engage the customers by a greater extent.

4) Flexibility and customization: When creating an advertisement for your dealership or automotive business, you can hire the services of a creative team to come up with the best design and content. Eye-catching and engaging print materials can easily grab the attention of customers. Moreover, you have a lot of options with print advertising. You can choose the section of newspaper or magazine where you would like to get your ad printed.

You can even choose the niche magazines or targeted newspapers circulated in a specific geographic location. Beyond these options, print ads even allow you to create customized solutions by catering to your budget limits by offering different ad sizes such as offering quarter-page, half-page and full-page ads.

While many of the businesses are moving to the online side for marketing, it is essential to remember that print automotive advertising in Oklahoma or any other locality still holds many perks and can play a significant role in increasing sales effectively and efficiently.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Keys to Effective Automotive Video Marketing Strategy

If you wish to find success in an increasingly digital marketplace, then it is essential to invest consistent effort and employ the latest marketing techniques.There are several agencies that offer specialized automotive marketing in Dallas and other localities. Choosing the right method that suits your needs and falls within your budget limits is not always simple. It helps to employ the aid of professionals. Moreover, you also need to consider your market condition, competitors and business goals for selecting the right channel of advertising.

Automotive video marketing is one of the most versatile and strategic methods to promote your business and generate new streams of revenue. Why should you consider video marketing for your automotive advertising needs?
  • Videos have great influence on boosting conversions and increasing sales. According to recent studies, 74% of users who watched a video on a product have bought the product eventually.
  • About 76% of businesses agree that video marketing campaigns have provided a good return on investment. Although video production isn’t cheap, it is easily worth the money when done right. Besides, smartphone technology and online video editing tools are advancing at a rapid rate which makes video production more affordable.

  • Video builds customer trust and loyalty. Automotive videos engage and evoke emotions in customers minds. The major goal of any automotive marketing technique is to build customer relationships and trust, and promotional videos are a proven way to achieve this. According to a survey report, 57% of the consumers said that videos foster trust and gave them the confidence to make a purchase.
  • Google and mobile users love videos. We all know the importance of search engine rankings and online visibility. Videos have a great influence on your search engine rank and embedding videos on your business website is more likely to increase the traffic to your website. Moreover, the number of smartphone users is growing, which translates to an increased number of viewers.
  • The next question is what type of videos do you need for your business? Having a video recorder or smartphone won’t be enough. You need to develop a good content marketing strategy before proceeding with your video production plan. Some of the possible options include:
  • Vehicle reviews: As a dealership, one of your most important tasks is to educate and inform potential customers about your inventory. You can film new and used vehicles in your showroom with expert reviews or highlighting features. You can even consider shooting a test drive or recording the experience of a customer.
  • Service department: Dealerships not only deal with the sale of vehicles but servicing and financing as well. Think about filming the details of such services by taking a video tour of your dealership’s service and finance departments.
  • Words from your staff: You need to generate trust among customers in order to build long term connections. Record your sales team and let them speak about their services and experience at the dealership.

Once you have produced a quality video, the next important decision involves posting the videos. Where should you post the video? More than 50% of website traffic is generated from mobile devices. Some of the standard platforms for posting your videos include social media, YouTube and your website itself.

Video marketing is one of the best forms of creative auto advertisement strategies in Dallas. All you have to do is come up with a strong content strategy, production tools, and techniques to create and post the best automotive videos.

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

4 Ways to Implement Education-Based Auto Dealership Marketing

What would be the main objective of an automotive marketing campaign? Educating a customer about the latest vehicles in the market and convincing them to make a purchase. Automobile businesses across the globe always struggle with a specific problem of marketing – How to explain the benefits of their stock inventory and how to convince them it’s worth their money? Listing down the unique selling points of a car model and explaining it to the buyers is not going to work by itself.

As a business, you have to come up with innovative strategies to make the customers better informed about your products and services. With the advent of digital technologies, the tech-savvy shoppers are better informed about making purchase decisions. However, automobile business still needs to bridge the gap between their marketing materials and educational materials. 

In such cases, you have to hire the services of a reputed dealer ad agency that specializes in content marketing services. When it is about educating the targeted audience about your products and services, content marketing is the best way to go. But rather than talking about your business achievements or goals, the content should be something that delivers true value to the audience. No matter who your target audience is; the main focus is to provide what they need and want.

Education through content marketing is possible through multiple strategies. As the business owner, it is your responsibility to discuss your strategy with the prospective dealer ad agency. If you are a newbie to the technological landscape of marketing or uncertain about where to start with the content marketing strategies, then let us offer you some cues. Here are five different ways to create education-based content for your targeted audience. Go ahead and take a look at the following points to gain a better insight regarding the same. 

1. Web Posting: Creating and updating dealership websites is an easy task these days, especially when you have several open source web development platforms and technologies. While creating a website for your business, make it a point to provide all the necessary information in a simple yet accurate manner. Visitors should be able to find the information they are looking for with ease. Having a FAQ page, stock inventory listing and contact form will help in educating and engaging with the customers.

2. Blogs: Your website will represent your business on the online platform and will provide information regarding your products. But when you wish to write something personalized or meant for customer relationship building, then you need a blogging platform. For instance, you have to write about the release of a new car model or automotive technology in market. You can write and post a blog about it to inform the audience. Integrating a blogging platform with your website is the best way to educate your audience.

3. Videos: Video marketing is gaining immense popularity these days. Producing quality videos with great resolution and creative content is a best way to educate and entertain consumers. For automobile dealerships, you can take advantage of video marketing technologies to promote new car makes and models. You can produce test drive videos and reviews that would explain why the car models are worthy of purchase.

4. Online manuals: First time users of a car or any other automobile product look for a tutorial. Publishing online manuals would be a great way of educating the customers on detailed specifics and instructions of the vehicle. While creating the manuals, make it a point to ensure it is detailed enough to answer any question a customer may have. 

When customers are well-aware about your business and services, then they will be more confident in their purchase decisions. Hence get in touch with the best auto advertising agencies at the earliest and start planning for your content marketing strategies.

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

4 Best Strategies for Your Digital Automotive Marketing

When it comes to embracing the digital revolution, the automotive sector has always been a step behind. But thanks to the changing consumer behavior, the automotive industry has been eager to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in digital marketing realm. In today’s world, half of the potential buyers make use of online resources in order to make an informed decision.

They check the expert reviews of latest car models, read customer feedbacks and follow the brands on social media to figure out more about the latest makes and models in the automobile industry. So if you are running a dealership, then you need to tap into digital marketing opportunities by seeking the services of a unique automotive marketing agency in Dallas or any other locality. Below listed are some of the best ideas and strategies for promoting your automotive business across the digital platform.

  • Acquiring digital data and building CRM database: We all know the importance of collecting data for launching an innovative marketing campaign across the online platforms. But acquiring data and building an audience database is not an easy task. That is where we need unique automotive marketing ideas and strategies. Yahoo! in collaboration with Hyundai found an easy way to drive data acquisition and build their CRM database. All they did was to launch an easy to enter sweepstakes. Hyundai fans were eager to submit the online form by providing all the necessary details. The final result was around 362K shares, 6K shares and 47% conversion rate. 
  • Monetize social media and amplify conversions: The best way to get connected with the modern day consumers is through social media platforms. Boosting the social presence and conversion is quintessential for increasing the reach and customer engagement. BMW did it by featuring a social hub to its BMW Championship webpage. Fan followers and website visitors kept a close tab on the latest updates by checking out the social wall of BMW. Quality social content from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, together with selected highlights from the golfing event were featured. In fact, the brand even started a social chat around Twitter with #BMWChamps to amplify the buzz and enhance its reach.
  • Build and improve a positive branding image: Building and retaining a positive brand image is essential for the success of any business. Since the auto industry is witnessing a cut-throat competition, your business needs to maintain and enhance a positive brand perception in order to catch the attention of masses. And that is what exactly Chevrolet did. The bowtie brand launched a social media campaign with #DayItForward trend to celebrate the extra day in a leap year. The campaign encouraged the social media users to do something nice and kind to someone who least expects it. Well, in the end the idea paid off as 22.7K people contributed to the campaign in a single-day and positive brand perception was reported as 98%. 
  • Develop interactive experiences with the audience through video content: Video marketing has been a highly sought after marketing trend in the recent days. Not only video engages the laziest buyer by evoking emotion, but it also builds trust and perceived value. National Geographic and Toyota entered into a partnership in order to launch an innovative campaign. National Geographic published a video campaign and sweepstake on its website to engage with the online visitors. Participants needed to watch a video, attend a poll screen and submit their entries. As a result, both the companies had all the valuable audience data with them. 

Launching a successful digital marketing campaign won’t be an easy task. That is why it is strongly advised to seek the expertise and services of the best automotive marketing company.

Sunday, 30 July 2017

Utilizing Facebook for Automotive Advertising

Social media platforms are the new age marketing technique where any business dealer can advertise their product in an efficient and productive way. There is a wide amount of exposure to the audience and this, which in turn, results in gaining an overall presence of the business on the World Wide Web.

One of the most effective ways of advertising your product on the internet is by making the best use of Facebook.  According to marketing experts, Facebook is assumed to become a key component for automotive advertising in the present year i.e., 2017. It is jaw dropping to know that this social media is world's most popular site and is the second most-visited site in the world and is making an effort to offer new ways for the dealers to connect with people in diverse ways.

The automotive Facebook marketing will show us two themes in 2017:

  • Automotive ads with targeting done in a detailed manner, where nuanced audiences will be targeted.
  • Effective and better content: Marketing strategies like new ad types and tier-three video will be introduced.

  • The marketers are kept on their toes because of increase in hand held device usage and increase in product search on social media platforms and also decrease in the visit to the show rooms. For a dealership's brand, it is very much important to find and inbound the right amount of effective audience. In the present year, we see, in addition to other automotive targeting options, the dealerships are deploying marketing strategies to attract custom audience. Behavioral targeting is a case in point.

    Through behavioral targeting, dealerships can retarget the group of people who have previously visited their website through Facebook Pixel Property installed on the website. Through this, the automotive advertising strategy becomes more detailed. In addition to content, the video is also playing a major role in advertisement agenda, where three types of automotive ads content will hit the spark.
    • Facebook provides ads for auto dealers where the customers can redeem a limited amount of coupons for a special factor at the dealership, which is thought to be best suited for service promotions.
    • There will be a 390-degree video that enables the dealerships to feature vehicle-walk around videos, test drive videos and more. It will make the advertising more effective and it will replace all other traditional marketing techniques.
    • Facebook Pixel, canvas ads, carousel ads, and lead ads are considered to be complicated but the dealerships can make use of this underutilized technique to garner leads.

    Dynamic, automated Facebook marketing can help you reap a vast array of benefits. But make sure to devise the best strategies, invest ample efforts and resources to grow the Facebook ROI down the line.

    Wednesday, 5 July 2017

    Automotive Marketing Strategies for 2017

    In the recent years, the automotive retail industry has witnessed a shift in its perspective, as it moves from a product-driven approach to customer-centric approach. Thanks to changing technology and the digital revolution, both the automakers and automotive retailers are looking for the best ways to build a better relationship with customer and deliver a rich brand experience. And according to the reports, the automotive industry is the second largest when it comes to spending on digital advertising. Dealerships and automobile stores were among the first to embrace the benefits of digital technology. Today’s consumers have all the information they could possibly want right at their finger tips. Automotive websites and review portals witness huge traffic everyday as potential buyers prefer gathering as much information as possible before making a purchase. 

    When it is about choosing the best marketing strategy for the automotive business, the digital platform offers a wide array of choices. Some of the highly sought after methods include search engine optimization, content marketing, social media marketing, pay per click advertising, email marketing and more. Rather than planning to do it yourself, it is always recommended to hire the services of an expert team to look after your marketing efforts. 

    Be it is about creating an eye-catching print auto advertisement or unique Facebook advert, it is wise to seek professional assistance. There are a lot of reputed automotive ad that can offer you a diverse range of marketing services at affordable costs. From planning the advertising campaign to devising, developing and implementing it, an experienced team of marketing strategists can help you improve your business image and boost your sales. In this post, we will check out the auto marketing strategies and priorities for 2017.

    According to the latest survey reports, automotive dealers and marketers consider improving conversions as the first marketing priority this year. It is followed by other significant goals such as improving volume of leads, increasing revenue from leads, reducing cost of acquisition and more. If you have hired an automotive PPC agency or digital ad agency for your business, then it is essential to define your needs and your marketing priorities. During the survey, the automotive dealers and marketers were interviewed about their marketing strategies. The survey intended to find out whether the marketers preferred inbound marketing or outbound marketing.

    As the name implies, inbound marketing mainly focuses on garnering attention from the targeted audience and pull them towards the business and product. It mainly includes publishing content that aligns with the customer’s interests and grab their attention, which will later convert and lead to sales. Some inbound marketing techniques include blogging, social media marketing and more. On other hand, outbound marketing is all about getting the message across the largest reach of people. Also known as interruption marketing, this method involves pushing the message out far and hoping it gets noticed. Some of the common outbound marketing methods include traditional automotive ads in newspapers, radio, television and other media channels. And according to the survey, inbound marketing is preferred over outbound strategy by a major share of dealerships and marketers.

    In the recent years, most of the traditional auto advertisement techniques have been losing their appeal. In fact, over 60% of the surveyed dealerships and marketers listed print ads as the most over rated marketing technique followed by blogging, search ads, social media and more. Another interesting finding of this survey report is about measuring the ROI of ad campaigns. Compared to the previous year, the dealerships that check and keep track of their marketing ROI has increased four times.

    Friday, 30 June 2017

    How to Track the Results of Automotive Digital Advertising?

    Every business owner wishes to reap profits and build a successful market share. If you are running an automotive dealership, then you may want to implement innovative advertising strategies to make the business popular and visible to the masses. In this age of technological revolution, it would be a challenging task to create a niche in the competitive market space. More and more automotive dealerships and service centres are realizing the benefits of automotive digital marketing services, which further compel them to devise and develop bespoke strategies. The most effective means to promote your products and services to a targeted set of audience is through internet.

    If you are a novice to the tricks and techniques of automotive digital marketing services, then it is wise to hire the services of a reputed automotive advertising company. One critical thing that each dealership needs to know is whether their marketing strategies are accurate by enforcing a transparent and highly detailed reporting system. Though there are a lot of providers in market who might canvass you to use their products, we recommend you to integrate with Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. There is no better reporting platform than Google as it allows standardizing all the KPIs.

    We have adopted Google Tag Manager as it allows us to add code to the website only once. Even future scripts, third party add-on trackers and tracking events can be setup without any coding insertion. Meanwhile, the vendor approved sites which are built to scale are incredibly slow and unresponsive while working for manipulation.

    Google Tag manager allows us to set up A/B testing, triggers, tags for conversion, setting up call back triggers and also enables to even setup goals for highly complicated things in order to see and utilize data. One simple example could be the chats. Although we ourselves handle the automotive website, automotive SEO and automotive PPC for a client, it is hard for us to produce an entire report of the results due to the interruption of the third party integrations. But now with Google Tag manager and Google Analytics, you can ask the car advertising agencies to provide you a complete picture of what is provided to your customers. To be precise, we can even mete out the number of chat conversations and chat leads via our Drive Digital Group websites.

    An in-depth insight of our monthly strategy calls and entire performances are tracked with accurate detail for view by our account managers. Some core engagements measured are the lead form submissions, chat conversions, messenger conversations and phone call conversations. A second round of measurements are the car fax downloads, special printouts and window sticker downloads. But one fact to be noted is whether the information offered by vendors makes any meaning to its readers. In order to enable readability, we also offer customary dashboards so that our customers can easily relate the data that is being presented to them.

    A number of tools are used in order to make good decisions by the use of data we collect via our automotive advertising company. It is very common to see users who have taken up habits related to data without probing to look for further details. We advise you not to be one! Be pro-active and demand real results from your vendors.

    Monday, 19 June 2017

    Automotive Digital Marketing Trends to Watch Out In 2017

    It is time to look ahead to the New Year with new hopes and fresh ideas. As 2016 is in the rear view mirror, we need to turn our focus towards the marketing trends that are likely to dominate in 2017. Automotive industry is one of the largest industry spenders on digital advertising and 2017 won’t be any exception. If the reports are to be believed, the industry is expecting to spend a whopping amount of $14.14 billion on automotive digital marketing services by the year 2020. As the modern age customers turn more and more internet savvy, both the dealerships and independent automobile shops should shift their focus on boosting digital presence. If you are wondering about the top marketing trends to watch out in 2017, then let us offer you some insights.

    Video marketing: Thanks to the ubiquity of video-driven social media platforms and online channels, the popularity of video marketing has been exploding like never before. Considered as the highly sought after marketing method in the recent years, video marketing plays a key role in connecting with the customers, engaging with them and converting them into potential customers. According to the statistics and reports published by the leading automotive marketing agencies, online video Ad spending has increased nearly 30% from 2015 to 2016. Over 60% of the businesses plan to increase their online video spending and 70% of brands plan to invest in social video ad in 2017. High quality video with informative and engaging content can build trust and authority in a brand which further generates sales and revenue streams.

    Integration of sales and marketing channels: Gone are the days when potential buyers sought the guidance and tips of car salespeople before making a purchase. With the digital revolution, more and more people are turning towards word of mouth recommendations and online reviews. In short, automotive digital marketing services and sales concepts should be integrated to lure in the customers and generate profits. According to a report by Marketing Profs, companies with tightly aligned sales and marketing functions attained 36% higher customer retention rates and 38% higher sales win rates. Introducing new analytic tools and digital solutions can help in integrating the marketing efforts and sales channels seamlessly.

    Social media advertising: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and many more social networking sites have brought revolutionary change in the way we used to live and interact. Billions of people are registered on these social networking sites and billions are active users. So it is no surprise that business organizations can leverage the potential of social media platforms to get connected with the targeted audience.

    Advanced targeting options, reliable conversion tracking and prevalence on mobile devices are some of the main factors that contribute to the exploding popularity of social media advertising. As per the forecasts, advertising spend on social networks will reach $36 billion in 2017. So, if you wish to stand out and gain edge, it is essential to consider social media advertising as a boost to your existing marketing strategies.

    Monday, 5 June 2017

    Choosing the Right Ad Partner for Your Automotive Business

    We live in a digital age where everything is digitized. As the technology advances exponentially, new digital platforms and devices are emerging. Businesses must adopt the latest technologies in order to keep up with the pace of change or lose relevance. But automotive industry doesn’t have the luxury of sitting out the digital transformation. In order to expand the market reach and build a bigger market share, automotive businesses need to navigate through the changes and stay tuned with the latest technologies. Shift in the consumer demands, expanded regulatory requirements and increasing availability of data and information are some of the key factors behind the transformation of auto industry.

    According to the recent reports and statistics, digital advertising spending has been witnessing a steep rise globally. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the automotive businesses to find the right ad partners agency to achieve collaborative and cross-channel engagement with their customers. Below listed are a few practical cues that every automotive marketer may consider before choosing auto advertisement service partner for their next campaign.

    Be clear About Your own Digital Strategy and Goals: In order to devise and implement effective auto advertisements service strategy, it is essential to have a sound understanding about your business goals and marketing strengths. Know your audience so that you can let your advertising partner take account of the situation and craft the strategies for connecting with them. Also, estimate and allocate adequate budgets for annual ad spends.

    Their Forte: You can find a lot of media agencies and dealer advertising companies offering a diverse range of marketing services to clients. But you need to find out what they specialize in. Do they specialize in automotive ad services? Do they have experience in working with the automotive businesses? Check whether they have an in-house team of marketing, technology and creative writing professionals. You need to choose a partner capable of delivering end to end services.

    Work Profile: Take a close look at their work profile. Do they have any experience in working with automotive businesses? Have they crafted any innovative automotive ad strategies for their previous clients? Are they well-informed about the challenges that automotive industry faces? Evaluate their previous campaign strategies and technology expertise, as it would help in gaining a better insight about their skills.

    Service Level: Business partnership is for long-term. Even a minor mistake can ruin your brand reputation and customer loyalty. So it is important to define the level of service with the potential ad partner agency. Make sure your business trusts the agency and it is comfortable to work with their team.

    Last but not the least make it a point to do a trial run for a specified period of time before finalizing the partnership. You need to have a reputed advertising partner for promoting your business and service. Test the water and choose the right to enjoy a smooth sailing.

    Thursday, 11 May 2017

    Automotive Digital Marketing Trends to Stay Competitive

    Auto industry has been enjoying sales gains and profitability in the recent years. Innovative marketing tactics should be designed and implemented to generate new revenue streams and sales channels. If you are running a dealership or an auto parts store, then it is essential to devise the best digital marketing strategy for your business. Hire the expertise and guidance of advertising firms that specialize in offering automotive digital marketing services.

    How the automotive industry can stay ahead of the curve with digital marketing? Even though there are a lot of marketing tactics, it is always recommended to deploy practical and proven methods to identify and leverage new business opportunities.

    Personalization: Using personalization in marketing offers a myriad of benefits. Delivering customized experiences to users increases the online conversions and sales. Since personalization renders familiarity, it proves beneficial in improving the customer retention and loyalty. In contrast to other business sectors where personalized marketing is possible only in the final lapse of purchase, automotive industry makes it a point to nurture the consumers right from the beginning of their shopping journey. For example, potential buyers begin their car purchase process by carrying out detailed online research online.

    Businesses can offer detailed and accurate information through their website in order to connect with the consumers. Moreover, automotive business makes use of the various choices of digital platforms to engage with the customers. Blogging platforms, YouTube video marketing and Social networking channels such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are used to create personalized experiences for customers.

    At the same time, auto businesses need to extract and organize data for designing an effective marketing strategy. Personalization is not possible without the right set of data. Automotive digital marketing agencies have access to a lot of customer data which includes their demographics, interests, age and more. Businesses need to use it wisely for crafting an innovative strategy.

    Cross-generational marketing: Automotive industry need to stay relevant and competitive in their business. In order to stay out in the noisy and saturated market, auto businesses should assess their consumer base and determine how to reach them best. But reaching out to most diverse and best educated generation ever is going to be challenging. The target consumer demographics consist of baby boomers and millennials. Automotive digital marketing agencies must look for new ways to connect with the different consumer generations.

    According to the findings published by Pew Research three out of four of the Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) use internet. Despite the stereotypical approach, marketers can use the digital space to get connected with the online and social Baby Boomers. However, it is essential to get a hold on their requirements, interests and wants. Millennials on the other hand are the most tech savvy and wealthiest generation. Marketers need to bake personalization into every aspect of their digital marketing strategy to grab the attention of online savvy Millennial consumers. Deploying an effective cross generational marketing approach help you connect to your audiences across generations.

    Instead of following the trends, automotive industry is setting new trends in marketing. In short, it is vital to understand and react to the technology trends, marketplace challenges and target demographics to stay innovative.

    Tuesday, 25 April 2017

    The Ultimate Guide To Digital Marketing Services For Automotive

    A new year has begun and it has brought some exciting changes to the automotive marketing scenario. Is your automotive business all geared up to embrace the dynamic trends of digital marketing landscape? What strategies should your business adapt and implement for tracking the sales funnel events that occur offline? How to gain a competitive edge in the market? According to the leading marketing agencies and experts, you need to invest in pay-per-click (PPC) marketing techniques. PPC enable the marketers to promote their websites and services through the sponsored advertisement sections of search engines. Some of the popular sponsored ad sections include Google AdWords, Yahoo’s Sponsored Search, Bing’s Microsoft adCenter and more. Devising and implementing an effective PPC strategy helps in increasing web traffic, gaining more exposure and driving better sales opportunities. According to the digital marketing statistics, the top thee paid ad spots on a Google search results page received 41% of the clicks. So, if you wish to drive more online traffic and generate leads, then it is wise to seek the professional services of a reputed automotive ppc management agency. Let us check out some valid reasons that may compel you to try out PPC advertising for your automotive business.

    Predictability: Search engine marketing, social media optimization, blogging and other online marketing strategies can drive traffic to your website. But the final outcomes of these strategies are out of your control. Organic search engine optimization methods often take a long time to deliver positive results. And with the ongoing Google algorithm updates and penalties, website traffic and rankings can change at any time. When you invest in PPC, you can be assured of availing the best value for your money.

    Quick results: Pay per click advertising is one of the fastest ways to generate leads and online sale. Let us consider the SEO campaigns – no matter how much effort you put in, it will take ample amount of time to get results. But when you are running a PPC campaign, it can drive instant traffic to your website.  However, make sure to consider some key factors such as the right set of keywords, location, device type, time and date for the best results.

    Budget friendly: With PPC, you have a complete control over your marketing budget. You get exactly what you pay for. When you invest in print, TV or direct mail marketing, you are taking a chance as there is a risk of ending up with no clicks or visits to your website. But PPC allows you to spend money only when someone clicks on your ad. Moreover, you can set the budget for each click and the campaign thereby allowsing website owners to see if their ads are really converting and giving them a reasonable ROI.

    Geotargeting: Whether you want to reach the customers in your locality or across the world, pay per click is the best bet. As we all know, searches on Google are related to location. And PPC advertising allows the marketers to target their audience effectively. With PPC ads, you can be assured of your website ad visibility in the local search results.

    Even though, there are several benefits associated with pay per click advertising, it is equally important to devise an effective strategy. And that is why it is wise to seek the digital marketing services from a reputed automotive ad agency. Not only they can develop a bespoke marketing strategy for your business, but also guide you in making the most out of your investment.

    Thursday, 20 April 2017

    Evidence Based Advertising for Your Automotive Dealership

    Exponential growth in technology advances has been opening huge opportunities as well as challenges to the auto industry. Automobile businesses need to compete in the digital world to gain an edge over the competition. Over the past years, the auto industry has gone through remarkable innovations in response to the dynamic consumer taste and expectation. However, producing great vehicles and offering amazing services won’t be enough. You need the best advertising strategy to grab the attention of potential buyers and up your sales. As the marketing calendars are revamped for the New Year, it is good to plan wisely for the automotive advertising in 2017. Both automotive businesses and automotive advertising companies should consider using Evidence Based Advertising as the foundation for their market planning. As the name implies, Evidence Based Advertising relies on verifiable data which allows the companies to take informed decisions about their marketing budget allocations.

    Automotive dealerships are spending money on auto advertisements across the channels. But it is important to check whether your ad spend is delivering the results you want. If you want to reach your desired goal, then businesses and ad agencies alike should understand each advertising campaign on a deeper level. Choosing the right advertising channel is the primary yet crucial step and that is why it is best to reply on Evidence Based Advertising for analysing and reviewing your options.

    Evidence Based Advertising comprises of three major components namely, efficacy, efficiency and evidence. Measurable and redundant data across the channels are used to assess the value of each advertising medium. Let us explore these components in detail.

    Efficacy: Does the strategy have potential to produce intended result? Does it yield any returns? Take a close look at the results of the method. Check whether it was effective enough to meet the goals and objectives. Make sure that the ROI claims are backed up with measurable and accruable data.

    Efficiency: Do you think the chosen advertising strategy delivered quantifiable and measurable results? In order to check the efficiency, it is good to check whether the technique was able to achieve the goal within the deadline. Attaining goals ahead of deadline ensures the efficiency of a marketing method. Assess the reach and frequency of the advertising method in accordance to the target audience and budget.

    Evidence: Collect all the verified information to back up your results. You may check the accountability and accuracy of data with the help of multiple online and offline channels. But make sure that they are transparent and reliable. Some of the measures include checking the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), web analytics and data insights.

    Devising a Plan for Automotive Ads

    Planning the marketing strategies and taking sound decisions for your dealership is crucial. An Evidence Based Advertising is the perfect way to gain insights and make detailed planning. Direct mail marketing, behavioural marketing, lead capture strategies and many more ad channels have the base characteristics of Evidence Based Advertising. However, assessing voluminous amount of data and metrics would lead to information overload. Hence, make it a point to compile all the necessary data systematically and assess its overall ROI in simple format.

    More and more dealerships and agencies are recognising the benefits of Evidence Based Advertising. Not only these methods help businesses reap profits and sales, but also weed out the time-consuming programs from the strategy. If you wish to invest in a marketing strategy that ensures immediate and long term ROI, then it is wise to try out Evidence based strategies for your 2017 budget.

    Wednesday, 12 April 2017

    Key Elements of a Successful SEO and PPC Strategy

    Crafting an innovative digital marketing strategy is crucial to stay ahead of the competition and up the profit margins. Every automotive business irrespective of its size or domain need to integrate digital marketing strategies to their promotional programs. Most of automotive dealerships and auto stores are still relying only on the old, tried and tested traditional advertising methods like print ads, brochures, flyers, TV commercials and more. But if your business is failing to adapt to the new marketplace and new consumer attitudes, then you are going to lose to your competitors. Designing and implementing an effective digital marketing strategy can offer several set of benefits to your automotive business. However, it won’t be an easy task to come up with the right strategies that fits to your needs and objectives. That is why it is essential to hire the professional services of an automotive digital marketing agency. When it comes to choosing the best digital strategy, marketers often choose Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC). 

    Running SEO and PPC together can add significant gains to the campaigns. Double the visibility, higher site clicks, greater web traffic, better opportunity for conversions, keyword data sharing and highest conversions are some of the major benefits. But in order to reap those benefits, you need to craft the best marketing strategy. Below listed are the four key elements you need for implementing a successful PPC and SEO strategy.

    SEO and Google rankings: Having a solid SEO strategy is paramount. There are several reputed agencies offering digital marketing services specifically for automotive businesses. Rely on their expertise and service to implement an effective SEO plan for your business. If you wish to drive customers to your business, then it is important to increase your page ranking. But you can’t achieve top ranking overnight, as SEO is a long-term commitment. It will take continual focus and frequent updates to gain and maintain higher search engine rankings. What are the best possible ways to boost your SEO efforts? Take a look at the following points to get a better insight.
    1. Always keep your web content and blogging platforms up-to-date and relevant. Post only informative and unique contents.
    2. Track your keyword competition and figure out the most important key performance indicator (KIP). Monitor the type of content that is bringing traffic to your website and check which sort of posts are getting most shares on social media platforms.
    3. Allocate a budget for your SEO marketing campaign. Even though, it may cost you some time and money for creating content and optimizing the site, it will prove worthy down the road.
    4. Meta tag title and description have a key role in the search engine indexing process. So keep them updated and optimized. 
    PPC delivers value for your money: Traditional advertising methods such as newspaper ads, TV commercials and radio ads are not performing well as they used to. But PPC ads have been delivering the return on investment for their marketers. If planned and executed in the right manner, PPC campaigns delivers the best bang for your buck. Google AdWords, Facebook and Twitter are the top common platforms for paid search advertising. For automobile dealerships, the best platform is Facebook as it allows the marketer to customize their advert according to the specific needs. For instance, you can set the geographic locations, target audience, age and gender and so on. Google AdWords and Twitter ads also prove to be an effective choice for driving traffic to your website.

    Monitor and analyze your web traffic patterns: Always pay heed to the analytics of your website traffic. Take a detailed look and carry out an in-depth review of the online traffic results. Rather than leaving the analysis work to the automotive digital marketing agency, it is wise to get engaged with the marketing staff and how your business is perceived online. Google Analytics offers you a detailed report of your website traffic including the sources of traffic, audience overview, demographics and more. With Google Analytics report, you’ll be able to reach high-priority and test markets and gain a better understanding of your marketing impact.

    Anticipate Key takeaways: Nowadays, consumers are always connected and increasingly well-informed. If you wish to remain competitive in the digital age, then you need to take the digital plunge. Adapt to the situation and make the most out of the digital marketing strategies. If you are hiring the digital marketing services for your automotive business, then make sure to find an agency that understands your goals. Always monitor your digital strategy and steer your operations according to the consumer preferences.

    Tuesday, 11 April 2017

    Hiring an Automotive PPC Management Agency

    Auto industry has been through several ups and downs in the recent times. But the recent reports suggest that the annual sales of new vehicles registered a sharp increase compared to the previous year. Well, it is a good news, right? But there is flip side to the coin. According to the new record set, the percentage of increase is way smaller than that of the recent years. If this trend is to continue, then it would be a challenge to witness a new record in the coming years. Changing economy, new technologies and changing consumer preferences are some of the major factors that trigger the revolution of auto industry.
    Considering the fact that annual sales are up nationwide, why not keep track of your automobile business growth in the recent times? It is always good to analyse your profit margins and sales on a routine basis to figure out the flow of your business operations. Since we know that the auto industry is in a booming stage currently, businesses should make the most out of it. Investing in the best advertising strategies is one of the smart ways to get your profit margins up and beat the competition in the aggressive market.

    When it is about promoting your automobile business, the primary step is to choose the right medium. You may choose between traditional and digital marketing methods. Tried and tested traditional advertising methods like print ads, brochures, TV and radio are still popular. If you are looking for an advertising technique with proven success rate, then traditional strategies are the best. At the same time, digital marketing methods are gaining momentum in the internet age. Digitization and increase in automation have been playing key role in the auto industry. Hence, a decision to digitize your business is welcoming.

    Digitization and autonomous technology have opened up a new platform for the consumers to engage with the brands. Digital marketing plays a significant role in boosting the brand credibility, customer relations and profit margins. Reduced cost, vast exposure, greater engagement, real time results and brand development are some of the notable benefits of digital marketing. There are several types of digital advertising techniques including search engine optimization, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more.

    Pay-per-click or PPC is also referred as paid search advertising or paid marketing. As the name implies, it is an online advertising method where the business owners can place their ads on the search engine results page (SERP), websites, blogs or content sites.  However, the businesses do need to pay a fee in exchange for placing those ads. The fee will be based on either clicks on or views of ads. Keyword-optimized PPC campaigns can generate traffic quickly and are cost-effective. However, managing a PPC campaign is not as easy as you think. That is why it is essential to seek the professional services of an automotive ppc management agency.

    Not only the automotive ppc agencies can devise an optimized campaign for your business, but they can also help you stay abreast with the dynamic market trends.

    Tuesday, 21 March 2017

    Auto Industry – Traditional and Digital Marketing Trends

    ARA Marketing Into 2017 – Researching the shift in marketing trends is an online survey report conducted by Automotive Retailers Association (ARA) and Google partner agency Marwick Internet Marketing to study the marketing efforts of six automotive sectors including towing, licensed motor dealers, collision, mechanical, auto glass and auto recycling. Conducted from September 2016 to November 2016, this survey was directed among 100 businesses with a turnover ranging between $0 and $5 million+ in the automotive sector across British Columbia and Canada. And according to this survey report, almost two-thirds of the participants (61%) responded that their priority will be on traditional marketing over digital marketing during 2017- 2018.

    While the major part of the respondents decided to spend around the same amount of marketing budget for magazines, newspaper, radio and TV channel advertising, the rest of the businesses think about cutting their traditional marketing budget. Website development, social media, organic search engine optimization and other online marketing techniques have been regaining wide popularity and acceptance in the recent years. Hence, the auto industry will be working with ad partners and increasing their digital marketing budget over the next few years. Even though, the auto sector still doesn’t plan to make the best use of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snap Chat. Moreover, majority of the participants feel disappointed in their online marketing efforts, while the rest believe in the importance of online reviews. 
     With the exploding popularity of internet and mobile applications, more and more people are turning towards the digital media for information regarding products and services. Hence, using traditional marketing methods in this increasingly digital world will result in loss of sales and money. According to the survey findings, many automotive businesses are failing to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in marketing result. But when it comes to spending their marketing budget, 50% of the respondents said they will be spending the same on magazine auto ads, 57% will be spending the same on TV advertising and 61% will spend the same on radio advertising.

    If we look into the 13th Annual Pew Research State of the News Media Report, it points out newspapers lagged behind local TV news (46%), cable TV news (31%), network evening news (30%), news websites (28%) and radio (25%) in providing information to public. Added to that, the print readership has also witnessed a sharp fall of 25% in the last four years.

    Responses to digital marketing efforts and online auto ads were mixed in the survey. Even though digital marketing techniques have become way too advanced, automotive companies are still lagging behind to keep up the pace. Most of the automotive business recognizes the significance of having an appealing online presence and the benefits it can reap. But they are still unsure about taking advantages of social media platforms in marketing their business. When it comes to using the social media networks for marketing purpose, respondents were generally on the fence. Almost half of the businesses think that Pinterest and Snap Chat were “not important at all”. In a nutshell, the overview of the survey depicted the hesitance of auto businesses towards social media marketing. Latest figures and statistics suggest that there are around 2.34 million users in social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Also, a report published by Pew Research Center stated that 90% of the young audience use social media now. When the automotive business overlooks social media platforms, they are definitely missing out a wonderful chance to drive targeted traffic to their website. Social media marketing not only increases the brand awareness, but it also opens a new channel to connect with the customers effectively.

    If the businesses have to choose the top three aspects of a successful digital marketing, then 84% of respondents chose having a mobile responsive website, 81% chose organic search engine optimization and 58% selected Google AdWords campaign with SEM or pay-per-click advertising. Last year, the search engine giant Google announced an algorithm change which made website with mobile-friendly experience rank higher. Similarly, organic SEO and Google Adwords have great potential in reaching out to the targeted audience in the most effective manner. Hence hiring the services of an automotive ppc marketing agency is a wise move. 

    Around 56% respondents think remarketing efforts are important to business, while almost 18% were unsure about it. Though digital marketing is crucial to the success and growth of their business, 12% of the participants admitted their marketing team was “terrible” in utilizing the digital channels and 70% didn’t hadhave any idea about their website conversion rate.

    Personalization is another crucial component of automotive marketing as it is required to stand out in the competitive market and build awareness across all generations. Businesses that fail to stay abreast of the dynamic marketing trends will be falling behind the line and losing to competitors.

    Monday, 20 March 2017

    Why Your Automotive Facebook Ad Gets Rejected?

    Choosing an effective digital advertising medium is a daunting task, especially when you are new to the automotive digital marketing landscape. Even though, there are a lot of advertising channels to consider, it is crucial to choose the one that ensures the best return on investment.

    Facebook, one of the largest social media network in the world is offering a wonderful opportunity for the advertisers to connect with its billions of users across the globe. Ad revenues at Facebook isare expected to reach nearly $26 billion this year, states eMarketer. Allowing the businesses to get connected with a vast number of audiences, the popularity of this social networking website is soaring. Why you should ask your automotive digital agency to launch a Facebook advertising campaign? Facebook’s advertising platform is powerful yet cost-effective. You can even have a budget as little as $1 per day. Automobile businesses running on a shoe string budget may make the best out of Facebook adverts. Targeted marketing is another benefit which allows the automotive ppc agency to choose user’s demographics and interests. Moreover, you can easily keep track of your budgets, performance and return on investment. Facebook Adverts Manager provides a broad and huge range of performance metrics which can be used to track the performance and measure the returns.

    Even though Facebook advertising offers a varied set of benefits, automobile businesses find it difficult to launch an effective Facebook ad. In most cases, the ad gets rejected by the social network. So, if you are planning to create an Facebook ad for your automotive digital advertising, then it is essential to arm yourself with some basic tips and techniques. Below listed are five of the most common reasons that lead to Facebook ad rejections.

    Reason 1 – Use of poor grammar or punctuation: Advertisements written in bad grammar or poor punctuation will look bad which will leave a negative impact on the social networking platform. So, Facebook makes it a point to approve the best constructed ads. You need to use the right grammar, spelling and punctuation while creating an advertisement for Facebook.

    Reason 2 – Reference of user’s personal traits: Advertisements that imply the personal characteristics of an user will be rejected. Race, ethnic origin, religion, beliefs, age, sexual orientation, practices, gender identity, disability, financial status, membership in a trade union, criminal record and name are some of the major attributes that are barred from mentioning. Rather than focusing on the personal attributes, advertisers need to promote the business’ services or products.

    Reason 3 – Link to a bad landing page: If you want your Facebook ad to be approved, then it is essential to set up a professional landing page. It should be functional and relevant to the advertisement. Facebook prohibits the use of overly sensationalized headlines, low quality ad content and minimal original content in the landing page.

    Reason 4 – Use of too much text in image: Pictures with too much text will be rejected by the Facebook as it states that users prefer ads with minimal image text. Even though the 20% rule has been changed, it should be noted that image ads with higher amounts of text will receive less or even no visibility at all. So, optimize the image and use only short yet appealing text to grab more attention.

    Reason 5 – Use of inappropriate images: While creating a Facebook ad for your automotive business, make sure to use clean, appropriate and relevant images. Added to that, ensure that the images doesn’tdon’t portray nonexistent functionality.

    You can hire an expert auto advertising agency to do the work for you. Not only it ensures optimum efficiency and profitable results, but also saves your time and money.