Thursday 20 April 2017

Evidence Based Advertising for Your Automotive Dealership

Exponential growth in technology advances has been opening huge opportunities as well as challenges to the auto industry. Automobile businesses need to compete in the digital world to gain an edge over the competition. Over the past years, the auto industry has gone through remarkable innovations in response to the dynamic consumer taste and expectation. However, producing great vehicles and offering amazing services won’t be enough. You need the best advertising strategy to grab the attention of potential buyers and up your sales. As the marketing calendars are revamped for the New Year, it is good to plan wisely for the automotive advertising in 2017. Both automotive businesses and automotive advertising companies should consider using Evidence Based Advertising as the foundation for their market planning. As the name implies, Evidence Based Advertising relies on verifiable data which allows the companies to take informed decisions about their marketing budget allocations.

Automotive dealerships are spending money on auto advertisements across the channels. But it is important to check whether your ad spend is delivering the results you want. If you want to reach your desired goal, then businesses and ad agencies alike should understand each advertising campaign on a deeper level. Choosing the right advertising channel is the primary yet crucial step and that is why it is best to reply on Evidence Based Advertising for analysing and reviewing your options.

Evidence Based Advertising comprises of three major components namely, efficacy, efficiency and evidence. Measurable and redundant data across the channels are used to assess the value of each advertising medium. Let us explore these components in detail.

Efficacy: Does the strategy have potential to produce intended result? Does it yield any returns? Take a close look at the results of the method. Check whether it was effective enough to meet the goals and objectives. Make sure that the ROI claims are backed up with measurable and accruable data.

Efficiency: Do you think the chosen advertising strategy delivered quantifiable and measurable results? In order to check the efficiency, it is good to check whether the technique was able to achieve the goal within the deadline. Attaining goals ahead of deadline ensures the efficiency of a marketing method. Assess the reach and frequency of the advertising method in accordance to the target audience and budget.

Evidence: Collect all the verified information to back up your results. You may check the accountability and accuracy of data with the help of multiple online and offline channels. But make sure that they are transparent and reliable. Some of the measures include checking the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), web analytics and data insights.

Devising a Plan for Automotive Ads

Planning the marketing strategies and taking sound decisions for your dealership is crucial. An Evidence Based Advertising is the perfect way to gain insights and make detailed planning. Direct mail marketing, behavioural marketing, lead capture strategies and many more ad channels have the base characteristics of Evidence Based Advertising. However, assessing voluminous amount of data and metrics would lead to information overload. Hence, make it a point to compile all the necessary data systematically and assess its overall ROI in simple format.

More and more dealerships and agencies are recognising the benefits of Evidence Based Advertising. Not only these methods help businesses reap profits and sales, but also weed out the time-consuming programs from the strategy. If you wish to invest in a marketing strategy that ensures immediate and long term ROI, then it is wise to try out Evidence based strategies for your 2017 budget.

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